Photo Tools

Discussion of gear that I use or am thinking about

Memories and Photography

Dad and the Citroen I have note books full of negatives and transparencies in all formats: 35mm and 6×6 in black and white and transparencies, 4x5s, 8x10s. Some are tests when I was trying to build a portfolio and outtakes from jobs. It is all more or less forgettable or embarrassing. But there are many pictures of people and places that ignite memories of lost times and people. The emotions and feelings that have not been visited in a long time can come roaring back. Memory is weird. Sometimes the memory of a place or person is replaced in the mind by a photograph of that place or person. This is especially true when that person is gone. This place is village in the Alpes Maritime above Antibes and Juan les Pines. My dad lived there in the fall as a refuge from Norway and family drama to write and have the friends he loved visit him. The two things he loved to do was to walk around the port and see the boats and talk to the wharf rats and fisherman and to drive deep into the country-side and get lost on obscure roads. The day this was taken, in late fall, we drove up to one his favorite villages. There was one restaurant, which was closed when we got there. He explained that most people there work for the government maintaning the road that gets one there. I have very little memory of the town itself, but this photograph is what is burned in my memory and reminds me of the time we spent together as the cancer that was slowly eating away his back the rest of him marched on. This was not the last time we saw each other, but it was the last year that he was able to get around as he wanted. This image was a 6×6 transparency that I scanned on a flatbed scanner that is probably 20 years old. The blue channel was messed up, but I got something useable out of it. Making it sharp was hard, but after three or four tries I it got to be at least reasonably sharp. More on scanning to come.

Macro photos on the cheap

These were taken with a standard kit zoom lens, in this case a Fuji xf 18-55 lens, with an extension tube that allowed close focus. I have a set of cheap extension tubes of 11mm and 14mm from a generic Chinese source, JJC. This technique of using a zoom lens with an extension is not considered best practice, but it works. I printed the left image as a card at 5×7 and it looks very good.
 I sold my Canon 100mm macro and the and the adapter for it to mount it to Fuji cameras. I thus reduced my travel kit for macro photography from carrying an extra lens and adapter to carrying around two very small tubes.

close up of flower
Close up of flower taken with kit zoom and 11mm extension tube
Macro photography has a very narrow depth of field

It’s been a long journey

From East 3rd Street to 77th Street. Almost 40 years and I am still here. There is a nostalgia for the days of film now, and here is an image on Kodachrome taken from my apartment back in 1982. I had no idea how it would turn out, and I wouldn’t know until I went uptown and had if processed. A courier would pick up the film from the lab in the “Photo District,” now the “Flatiron District,” and take it to New Jersey somewhere where Kodak had its lab. Several days later, unless you paid for rush service, you would see the film.

I am not nostalgic for those days when you had to wait for the lab before you could strike the set and move on to the next shot. Now you shoot it, show it, change it, shoot again, everyone loves it—next.


After much procrastination and starts and fits, there is a new After years of more or less benign neglect, and years after my license for Dreamweaver expired, I started over.
I used Word Press to create a sub domain site that lived on, but allowed the old site to remain. Word Press is not intuitive and it needs several other pieces of software such as themes, plugins, page builders and wigets before one can actually build anything. But, thanks to You Tube, WP for and other sources, here it is. To a professional it probably looks like amateur hour in Dixie, but this site is just for my own amusement. It showcases some of my work done professionally and for myself. Since I am more or less retired, I don’t care if firms or groups looking for photographers find me.
So I hope some who find this enjoy it.